Young Investigative Forum (12/13)
프로그램 준비 중 입니다.
- Young Investigator Forum (첫째날)
- 일시: 2024. 12. 13(금) 15:30-18:00
- 장소: 여수 베네치아호텔 부라노룸 III (3층)
15:30-15:35 | Opening address |
이 동 윤
대한피부연구학회 회장
15:35-16:00 | Brief Self-Introduction of Mentees | |
16:00-16:20 | Special Lecture | |
16:00-16:20 | My Lab and Stories |
석 준
16:20-18:00 | Mentor-Mentee Group Discussion |
Moderator: 김 혜 성 (가톨릭의대) |
Characterizing moderate and severe Hidradenitis Suppurativa using spatial transcriptomic |
이영인 (연세의대)
Mentor 박영준 (아주의대) |
My NGS experience and future plan of my research |
황신원 (연세의대)
Mentor 이동훈 (서울의대) |
Increased granzyme K+CD8+ T cells and their senescent subset in Behçet’s disease |
이희라 (이화의대)
Mentor 김도영 (연세의대) |
Secreted phosphoprotein 1-CD44s axis downregulation promotes melanocyte senescence through ROS generation |
김율희 (아주의대)
Mentor 김현정 (충남의대) |
Evaluation of the association between clock gene BMAL1 and chronic inflammatory dermatitis |
김대현 (고려의대)
Mentor 신정우 (차의대) |
18:00- | Social Gathering and Happy Hour |