
Young Investigative Forum (12/13)

프로그램 준비 중 입니다.

  • Young Investigator Forum (첫째날)
  • 일시: 2024. 12. 13(금) 15:30-18:00
  • 장소: 여수 베네치아호텔 부라노룸 III (3층)
15:30-15:35 Opening address
이 동 윤
대한피부연구학회 회장
15:35-16:00 Brief Self-Introduction of Mentees
16:00-16:20 Special Lecture
16:00-16:20 My Lab and Stories
석 준
16:20-18:00 Mentor-Mentee Group Discussion Moderator:
김 혜 성 (가톨릭의대)
Characterizing moderate and severe Hidradenitis Suppurativa using spatial transcriptomic
이영인 (연세의대)
Mentor 박영준 (아주의대)
My NGS experience and future plan of my research
황신원 (연세의대)
Mentor 이동훈 (서울의대)
Increased granzyme K+CD8+ T cells and their senescent subset in Behçet’s disease
이희라 (이화의대)
Mentor 김도영 (연세의대)
Secreted phosphoprotein 1-CD44s axis downregulation promotes melanocyte senescence through ROS generation
김율희 (아주의대)
Mentor 김현정 (충남의대)
Evaluation of the association between clock gene BMAL1 and chronic inflammatory dermatitis
김대현 (고려의대)
Mentor 신정우 (차의대)
18:00- Social Gathering and Happy Hour